How To Stay Protected When Dating Someone With Herpes?
You have already made a very big decision of dating some with herpes. Dating with herpes cannot be similar to normal dating and your partner must have gathered lot of courage to tell you the truth. But the fact is that herpes is not that big deal as our society has made it.
Experts believe that herpes is treatable and you can stay well protected even if you are dating someone with herpes. These days many herpes dating sites have come up on internet and herpes dating online has become a common thing.
We have come up with some very useful suggestions that can help you to stay protected if you are dating someone with herpes.
First and foremost thing is that you should get yourself tested. Herpes virus can be transmitted through oral and vaginal sex. Its better you ask your partner what all tests he or she have gone through and make sure you also get them all done on yourself. If you are well protected from the infection then you can take better care and protection in future. Usually it is a blood test that you need to undertake for confirmation of herpes infection.
Your partner will need your emotional and physical support and give lot of it without any hesitation. You may freak out initially when the news is broken to you but it will be good for both of you and for your relationship if you get control over your emotions as soon as possible. If you really love the other person, try feeling his or her condition, talk to your partner and most importantly listen to them with full attention, sensitivity and support. Life is neither easy for them.
Educating yourself about herpes can be a very big step to avoid any kind of potential danger due to herpes. Herpes is not that big a problem as it has been made in the society. It is not a social stigma and people can lead a normal life even with herpes as people with any other diseases live. Educating yourself about the disease will not only help you in protecting yourself but you can also find feasible ways to make things better and easier for your partner.
Now that you have made the big decision of standing by your partner you will also have to ensure yours and the partner’s good health. If you are sleeping together then make sure that the partner is taking the suppressive medicine for herpes on regular basis. Take care of her medications and nutrition so that he or she leads a normal and healthy life like any other person.
Your sexual life will also not get affected if you are taking all the necessary protective steps. Use of condoms eliminates the chances of transfer of virus by many folds. It is better you avoid sexual contact in the days of breakout of herpes on the mouth, genital organs or other parts.